Systemic environmental risk analysis for threats to UK recovery from COVID-19

Improving resilience to COVID-19 and a second zoonotic emergence

Air Quality
Improving respiratory health of the UK population

Food Security
Ensuring resilience of home and international supply chains

UK Recovery from COVID-19 needs to balance the needs of the economy, societal cohesion and health. The environment is not currently explicit in some framings of national recovery, yet there are a number of major risks involving it that can impact these areas over a relatively short timeframe (e.g. <24 months).
Our team will focus on three important cases:
i) Biosecurity- improving resilience to COVID-19 and a second zoonotic emergence;
ii) Improving respiratory health of the UK population;
iii) Food security- ensuring resilience of home and international supply chains.
We will integrate outputs into current Defra-Cabinet Office interactions to ensure that UK strategies for recovery adequately address systemic risks and, more generally, raise the profile of the need to explicitly appraise and mitigate for complex risk in UK governance, especially in the context of rebuilding the nation during COVID-19.
Get in touch
SysRisk Project (FAO: Prof. Tom Oliver)
School of Biological Sciences
University of Reading
Whiteknights Campus
PO Box 217
United Kingdom

Please be aware that this project was completed in December 2021. The remaining team will do our best to respond to you as soon as possible.